Friday, August 15, 2014


Remember that name Boanerges, it means " sons of thunder".  It's a name that Christ gave to James and his brother John.  James and John were very aware of the capabilities Christ had in that by being with Christ as his followers they had witnessed several miracles first-hand.  Once in their travels they were refused lodging. Itwas suggested that Christ should call down lightening on the  village in question and destroy the same, but Christ refused and they moved on, but not without pinning the name, " Boanerges" on the two.  It was this Boanerges personality that got James in trouble with King Herod in 42 A..D. but before that a lot happened.  After the death of Christ the apostles devided the known world into missionary zones, James taking the Iberian peninsula. 7th and 8th century documents infer that James spent a number of years preaching in Spain before returning to Jerusalem.  Upon returning to Jerusalem, confusing information exists. It was believed that Herod "may" have been in an incestuous relationship although I personally feel that if you are not an astute student of subjective research the layman could never really figure out if he was and who with. So anyhow  James returns to Jerusalem and sees what is going on and this "son of thunder" personality takes over. There are words and Herod has James beheaded and his remains thrown outside the palace be continued.

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