Wednesday, August 27, 2014

St one.

Thank God are time is now when lost
Comes up to face us everywhere.
Never to leaves us until we take
The longest stride of soul folk ever took.

Affairs are now soul size
The  exploration is into God
Where are you making for?

It takes so many thousand years to wake
But will you wake for pity's sake.

A sleep of prisoners........Christopher Fry

I am awake but it's still dark outside.  I need to pack again making sure my rain gear is on top.  Need to find breakfast and get some day food for the pack. I was trying to ask the waitress last night if they served breakfast.  I finly drew her a picture of the sun coming up over the mountain and a plate fork and spoon.  She still never got it.....but yes at 8:00 A.M.  
Also need to find the pilgrims office...very critical to get my pilgrims passport.  You get this paper stamped as you pass through the towns and villages.  
There is three ways you can do the WAY.  Religiously, Sprituly, or Athletically.  I have chosen Sprituly, and need to attest to it when I regester.  From what I seen in the village last night I won't be alone on the "path" in that the town is a live with pilgrims.  I fact I sat with John and his wife on the last train.  They were from New Zeeland, about my age and nice, nice people.  It's snowing where they just came from and they are worried about the tempiture change and are staying in town a couple of days before heading out.  John presented me with a cockle shall.......truly a good gesture.  I will explain later as to its significance.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you are making friends with silver bells and cockleshells and pretty maids all in a row.
