Sunday, August 10, 2014

Moving on with religion

I onced asked my Grandad if he believed in God, his answer was that all farmers and fathers believed in God.  I never gave this statement much credence until I was a father then I totally understood what he was eluding to.  I came from a Christian God-fearing family with several simple rules that by following you were able to retain your membership in the same and be guaranteed to see your next birthday.
Rule number one;you never took the Lord's name in vain.  Rule number two; you never dropped the " F Bomb". Rule number three; you treated your mother and sister with respect. The very fact that my father was cognizant of deity gave me firm conviction that I came from a God-fearing family. Although to be honest I was always confused as to the " fear" part, especially if God is love, like " they say"   I never had much  time or patience  for organization when it came to religion although I feel personally that in my life I gave it a good shot. But then you need to understand that when it came to anything organized I usually gave it a miss.  And just for the record you need to know that without a doubt I firmly believe that the greatest philosopher of all time lived some 2000 years ago and he was Jesus the Christ.  Like it or not, believe it or not the world marked time after this man, volumes of word and verse have been written and recorded about this man so to my way of thinking he " must have been" .
Research tells me that actual religion started some 30,000 years before Christ walked the earth.  
In the Mesopotamia region the nomadic hunter gathers of the time began to settle in one area and learn the art of farming.  And it is strongly believed that farming in itself was a building block to religion.  Farming manipulates nature, we need the sun and the rain to produce a good harvest.  Because of which It's not difficult to see why ancient man "may"  in carrying out this practice formulated a relationship with nature and God or what he may have thought was God to him.
So dear readers I leave you here thinking on Jesus and his place on be continued.