Sunday, August 31, 2014

Day 2pics


  1. Not sure if my earlier comment made it since I'm not on any "social media" site and of course, one needs to be registered (sounds a bit like the draft, eh?). But kudos to you, not only for making it this far on your journey but also for pissing off the French lady (ha!). Actually, just taking the time to both educate us on St. James AND write your thoughts after a grueling day and a huge breakfast (for a prisoner, at least) is alone quite impressive and quite welcome. BTW your book on the 57 year-old biking across the US arrived the day after you left...ironic. Am now reading Learning to Walk in the Dark. As the summary says: New York Times bestselling author Barbara Brown Taylor once again writes with wisdom, grace, and beauty as she seeks to rehabilitate what we have learned to fear--the dark. Here she reflects on how our lives do not work only when everything is fully lit. We can't always see the light. It waxes and wanes or can go out altogether. What we need is a spirituality that works in the nighttime. --sounds a bit like your own "swan song" although I think you'll have many more adventures to come. An inspiration to all of us...keep it up, safe travels and keep on keeping on! And thanks again.

  2. Dan and I took this photo of you on that glorious day up to Orisson. This photo was just shy of Huntto. Sitting here on a Sunday morning reading your blog beginning August 10. Love your blog Utah!
